Another Ben Hogan Swing “Secret”
Ben Hogan was not only one of the most dominant golfers of the 40s and 50s, but also a master technician, and the most influential swing analyst of the entire 20th century. Like Bobby Jones twenty years before, Hogan...
What’s So Important About Hogan’s Rubber Bands?
Most golf instructors would agree that Ben Hogan's book called Five Lessons, The Modern Fundamentals of Golf (1957, Simon & Schuster) is one of the most important and most influential golf instructional books ever written. And one of the...
A-Game Golf
Say you coached a young golf phenom named Tiger Woods for eight years between the ages of 10
and 18. And then a few years later he turned out to be one of the greatest golfers in history. You'd probably...
A Study of Dave Peltz’s Short Game Bible – Introduction
Dave Pelz's Short Game Bible was published in 1999. It is not just another book featuring some guy's opinions on the short game. Pelz is different. For more than 30 years he has been both a keen observer and...
Why Dave Pelz Concentrates on the Short Game
As we saw in the Introduction, in the early part of his golf career Dave Pelz had a typically traditional attitude towards playing and teaching golf. Like most of us, he assumed that graceful textbook swings would result in...